
Diversity is important in the teacher workforce

Why teacher diversity is important in the classroom Mercer University chair of teacher education Sharon Augustine says a diverse teacher workforce benefits all students. Mercer University chair of teacher education Sharon Augustine says a diverse teacher workforce benefits all students. Beau Cabell and Andrea Honaker The Telegraph Mercer University chair of teacher education Sharon Augustine says a diverse teacher workforce benefits all students. Beau Cabell and Andrea Honaker The Telegraph Disintegration Want students to succeed? Hire more teachers who look like them, report says By Andrea Honaker It wasn"t until she was a student in a doctoral program that Sharon Augustine had a professor who wasn"t white like her. Augustine, now the chair of teacher education at Mercer University"s Macon campus, thinks that"s a problem, and a number of recent studies back her up on the importance of diversity in the K-12 teacher workforce. America"s studen

Why a Classic Education is Far Superior than Any Other Education

By []Kayley Kenzie Classic education is has one of the most rigorous curricula and is one of the most traditional.  Education is considered classical when there is an emphasis on language (normally Latin).  Language functions as the foundation of liberal arts. There is also a concentration on the classical heritage of intellectual and artistic brilliance.  Grammar, logic, and rhetoric are taught to develop sophistication in thought and word.  There is also demanding training in mathematics and scientific reasoning. Learning can usually be broken down into two different types:  learning to acquire a skill and learning to achieve meaning.  Learning to acquire a new skill is knowledge-based, and its end goal is performance.  This type of learning is great for those who want to learn how to perform surgery or how to invest in the stock market. Learning to achieve meaning is a little more difficult to describe, and it is much more than jus

Three Fundamental Parts of a Classical Education

By []Aaliyah Arthur  A classical education gives students opportunities they wouldn"t otherwise have. Some schools, however, advertise that they are classically-based, but actually lack the structure and methodology of an authentic "academy" in its classic form. This term derives from the school that Socrates founded, Athen"s "School of Thought," and is integral in understanding how classical education functions in a modern world. Focus on the Triumvirate Not only does a classical education focus on, well, the classics (in both letters and sciences), but it is also based on a very old series of "schools" within schools. These three branches of the educational process were titled "Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric." They were considered the basis for all solid learning and this ancient school built its worldview upon this foundation. For example, in Grammar school, kids learn the basics of

Attention Homeschoolers..Take The Classical Learning Test College Entrance Exam!

Several colleges will be announcing CLT adoption before the November 11th test. Register today at Or contact the Director by phone: Paideia Classical Academy is an authorized (CLT) Classical Learning Testing site located in Coconut Creek, FL.  We look forward to hearing from you!  Steven Cavan

Jean McDermott: What is classical education? | Austin Daily Herald

Jean McDermott: What is classical education? By Daily Herald Email the author Published 8:20 am Friday, October 6, 2017 Jean McDermott Pacelli Catholic Schools In the spring of 2015, the Pacelli Visioning Task Force – comprised of 22 members of the Austin community and representing a wide range of educational and employment backgrounds, including both public and parochial school educators – concluded that our school should formally adopt the classical, Catholic educational model. In 2015-2016, K – 12 curriculum was reviewed with a classical lens. Based on this review, in 2016-2017, Pacelli Elementary School adopted Singapore Math and a more phonics-based reading program, Super Kids. Latin was integrated, in developmentally appropriate ways, into all grades K – 12. A team also spent time visiting both private and public classical schools in Minnesota and Wisconsin to learn from those who are already immersed in the classical tradition. Upon the suggestion of several of these schools, we

Christ-centered, Classical, Organic and Green!

  Our Vision Paideia Classical Academy is an Orthodox Christian school ministry open to all children that focuses on virtues, the love of the beautiful and the love of the good. At Paideia we nurture children in mind, body, and soul. Because Proverbs: 22:6 teaches: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”, we seek to: Enculturate the souls of our youth in “the beautiful and the good”. Spread the love of learning, which grows deep roots once seeds are planted. Use Christian Paideia as exhorted by St. Paul in Ephesians 6:4: “Bring up children in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Prepare our children for their eternal life in the heavenly kingdom. What Our Parents Say About Paideia Classical Academy: We have highly qualified, multidisciplinary, supportive teachers We provide a program that produces academic excellence through a classical curriculum Our students receive a strong values-based education focusing on Christian Virt